The Ultimate Sky Replacement Course!

There are so many "tutorials" and "how to's" out there that it's hard to choose which one is right for you, much less get ALL The information to confidently replace skies and edit your image.

Replacing your sky is actually the easy part. But why does it not look good when you do it? Why does it not look the same as other peoples..., the answer is BLENDING.

When you replace a sky, that's is only step 1, and the easy part. Step 2, and probably the more important step is BLENDING your new sky with your image. This is where Sky Replacement tutorials fail.

That is why I created this ALL INCLUSIVE course so you get EVERYTHING you need to replace skies like the Pros!

Photoshop Tutorial

We start out with a Photoshop Tutorial. Now one thing I've found is that a lot of tutorials ASSUME YOU KNOW PHOTOSHOP WELL, and maybe you do. But if you are like I was in the beginning, Photoshop was confusing, overwhelming and I really had to idea where to start.

So I built that in to the course. Whether you are familiar with Photoshop or opening it for the first time, you will be able to follow along with me and understand the process.

I included a Photoshop Basics section that will cover the tools and techniques you need to understand to use the sky replacement tool to its fullest.

If you already know photoshop, don't worry, you can skip those basics lessons and get straight into the Sky Replacements!

Luminar AI Tutorial

Never heard of Luminar before? Well if you want to replace skies... this is the program you want! Luminar AI is a program by a company called Skylum. They created artificial intelligence editing that makes editing easier than ever!

Photoshop does a good job, but Luminar is where it's at!

In this tutorial we go over the entire sky replacement process from beginning to end, we cover adding objects to the sky, like birds, and I added a BONUS VIDEO where I go over an ENTIRE edit from beginning to end in Luminar.

If you have 0 experience with Photoshop but want to edit like the pros, I recommend getting this program.

Don't have Luminar AI? With this course you will receive a code for $10 off! And since this is a one time purchase price unlike a monthly program like Photoshop, this is a great discount!


What's a sky replacement course without some EPIC Skies? Not only are you getting all the information you need to replace the skies, you are also getting 101 HIGH RESOLUTION skies that I have spent the last year collecting.

These skies have never seen the light of day (haha, so to speak) before this course! You will be one of the first to ever use these INCREDIBLE Skies.

Dramatic Skies

The 38 Unique skies in this pack will create that dramatic look you are searching for. These never before seen skies will blow you away and give your image that pop you've been looking for!

Blue Skies

Includes 31 ORIGINAL and Unique Blue skies! These skies will change any boring sky and give it that little touch of flavor to make it unique without overpowering the image!

Moody Skies

Ready to add that mood to your image and really give it style? The 32 moody skies included here will make your viewer's mouth drop! These skies will add the missing "mood" to your photo!

What People Are Saying:

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Hellooo, I've gone through the course and feel that you did a wonderful job with it. I suck at explaining things like this and you did it effortlessly. I feel that it's definitely helpful and would be pretty easy to follow if someone had no experience with either program. I'd probably personally pay up to $70 for this particular course. I'm sure it's worth way more considering you contributed all of the materials for it, along with your time. Thank you so much for providing the course!


This course is closed for enrollment.